package main

import (

type LRUCache struct {
    cap int                   // capacity
    l   *list.List            // doubly linked list
    m   map[int]*list.Element // hash table for checking if list node exists

// Pair is the value of a list node.
type Pair struct {
    key   int
    value int

// Constructor initializes a new LRUCache.
func Constructor(capacity int) LRUCache {
    return LRUCache{
        cap: capacity,
        l:   new(list.List),
        m:   make(map[int]*list.Element, capacity),

// Get a list node from the hash map.
func (c *LRUCache) Get(key int) int {
    // check if list node exists
    if node, ok := c.m[key]; ok {
        val := node.Value.(*list.Element).Value.(Pair).value
        // move node to front
        return val
    return -1

// Put key and value in the LRUCache
func (c *LRUCache) Put(key int, value int) {
    // check if list node exists
    if node, ok := c.m[key]; ok {
        // move the node to front
        // update the value of a list node
        node.Value.(*list.Element).Value = Pair{key: key, value: value}
    } else {
        // delete the last list node if the list is full
        if c.l.Len() == c.cap {
            // get the key that we want to delete
            idx := c.l.Back().Value.(*list.Element).Value.(Pair).key
            // delete the node pointer in the hash map by key
            delete(c.m, idx)
            // remove the last list node
        // initialize a list node
        node := &list.Element{
            Value: Pair{
                key:   key,
                value: value,
        // push the new list node into the list
        ptr := c.l.PushFront(node)
        // save the node pointer in the hash map
        c.m[key] = ptr

func main() {
    obj := Constructor(2)   // nil
    obj.Put(1, 10)          // nil, linked list: [1:10]
    obj.Put(2, 20)          // nil, linked list: [2:20, 1:10]
    fmt.Println(obj.Get(1)) // 10, linked list: [1:10, 2:20]
    obj.Put(3, 30)          // nil, linked list: [3:30, 1:10]
    fmt.Println(obj.Get(2)) // -1, linked list: [3:30, 1:10]
    obj.Put(4, 40)          // nil, linked list: [4:40, 3:30]
    fmt.Println(obj.Get(1)) // -1, linked list: [4:40, 3:30]
    fmt.Println(obj.Get(3)) // 30, linked list: [3:30, 4:40]