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business sense/mindset 它指的是一种专注于商业目标和商业成功的思维方式。它来源于商业界,是在商业活动中形成和发展起来的。


A strong business mindset is essential for success in the competitive world of commerce. (在竞争激烈的商业世界中,强烈的商业思维是成功的关键。) He has a great business mindset, always thinking of ways to increase profits and reduce costs. (他有着很棒的商业思维,总是想着增加利润和降低成本的方法。) Developing a business mindset is crucial for students who want to pursue careers in business. (对于想从事商业职业的学生来说,培养商业思维是至关重要的。)


一个创业者, 应该要有三个钱包:

    1. 你实际有多少钱
    1. 有多少信用,能调用多少钱
    1. 别人以为你有多少钱